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Private Family Mausoleums For Sale (Custom & In-Stock, 2024)

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Download the High Quality Private Family Mausoleum Design and Construction Catalog

Browse pictures of monuments, headstones, mausoleums and memorials in this PDF guide. Learn how Rome Monument designs and builds upscale cemetery monuments and elegant private family mausoleums using high quality granite, impeccable construction standards and old world craftsmanship. Get an understanding of the personalization, customization and ordering processes.

2025 Essential Buyers Guide to Private Family Mausoleums (Full-Length)


2025 Private Mausoleum Design Options, Builders And Prices (Condensed)


Watch The 2025 "Essential Buyers Guide to Private Family Mausoleums" Video Series By Chapters (27) On Types, Design Styles, Planning, Prices, Builders


Types Of American Mausoleum Architectural Design Styles

Types Of American Mausoleum Architectural Design Styles. American Private And Family Cemetery Mausoleum Design Styles Inspired By Classical Greek Architecture, Roman Temples, Egyptian Tombs & Gothic Churches. American mausoleum design styles include traditional stained glass, modern bronze doors, classical architecture, small private walk-in styles & large family estate interiors. Types of American mausoleum architectural styles include classical, walk-in, personalized family estate, private, public, community, garden, columbariums, Art Deco, Gothic, Romanesque and Egyptian.

American Mausoleum Design Styles Are Inspired By Classical Greek Architecture, Roman Temples, Egyptian Tombs And Gothic Churches

American Mausoleum Architecture From The Mid 1800's To 2025

Mausoleums built in the Glendale Cemetery, for wealthy and prominent citizens of Akron during the mid 1800's through the early 1900's, feature a wide variety of architectural styles that draw upon ancient building forms

Mausoleums built in the Glendale Cemetery, for wealthy and prominent citizens of Akron, Ohio during the mid 1800's through the early 1900's, feature a wide variety of architectural styles that draw upon ancient building forms

Beautiful Traditional Stained Glass Windows, Crypts And Niches In Large American Family Estate Mausoleum Interiors

2023 American mausoleum design styles traditional stained glass, modern bronze doors, classical architecture, small private walk-in styles, large family estate interiors

Watch this video to enjoy the inspirational Tiffany stained glass windows, in the 1914 mausoleum designed by architect Sidney Lovell, located in the Rosehill Cemetery Mausoleum in Chicago.

Types Of Mausoleum Architectural Design Styles Commonly Seen In American Cemeteries.

Small Private Walk-In Style Mausoleum With Modern Bronze Doors And Decorative Bronze Wreaths

Types Of Small Private Walk-In Style Family Mausoleums With Modern Bronze Doors Commonly Seen In American Cemeteries - March 14 2023 - Rome Monument

Small Private Mausoleum Design Styles

There are three basic types of mausoleums: above ground burial vaults, garden or outdoor mausoleums, and estate walk-in and non-walk-in mausoleum buildings. American mausoleums are above-ground, free-standing buildings that have crypts and other types of burial containers to hold remains. An above ground burial vault, or mausoleum, is a very solid container, usually granite, that is used to hold one or more caskets or cremation niches.

Pictured above is a small stand-alone two crypt private mausoleum designed for a couple in 2016 by Vince Dioguardi and built by the Rome Monument mausoleum construction company

American Mausoleum Styles

  • There are three basic types of mausoleums: above ground burial vaultsgarden or outdoor mausoleums, and estate walk-in and non-walk-in mausoleum buildings.
  • American mausoleums are above-ground, free-standing buildings that have crypts and other types of burial containers to hold remains.
  • An above ground burial vault, or mausoleum, is a very solid container, usually granite, that is used to hold one or more caskets or cremation niches.
  • Garden mausoleums are located outdoors instead of indoors and often contains niches for cremated remains. 
  • Outdoor or garden mausoleums are similar to indoor mausoleums.
  • Garden mausoleums provide families with a community area of shared spaces to house remains.
  • An overview of things to know about mausoleums is available, here.
  • See inside mausoleums, learn about their functions, get information on their burial capacities, find out how much they cost and watch videos, here.
  • See how a private family walk-in mausoleum is built, here.
  • Learn about the types and styles of private and family mausoleums for sale in the United States in 2024, here.

Videos About Mausoleums, Their Uses, Design, Construction And Costs

Traditional American Mausoleum Architectural Design Styles In Pictures And Videos

Classical Revival Mausoleums

The Classical Revival Style Mann Family Mausoleum

The balanced and symetrical Classical Revival (Neoclassical) architectural design features a triangular pediment, 4 dramatic Ionic columns, a large interior vestibule and 2 granite memorial benches.

Today, the most popular mausoleum architectural design style is Classical Revival, which typically features stately columns, artistic pediments and sculpted statues. Based on Greek and Roman architecture, Classical Revival style mausoleums have perfect proportions, harmony, symmetry, and feature triangular pediments and tall columns supporting horizontal beams.

Explore Traditional American Mausoleum Architectural Design And Funerary Art Styles Available From Rome Monument In Pictures And Videos

How You Place Your Order For A High Quality And Completely Customized Private Mausoleum In The US


Order A Mausoleum Or Memorial At Rome Monument Showroom - Find a Rome Monument US showroom location near you - February 4 2023

Learn about mausoleum design regulations and construction standards from Rome Monument in this YouTube video tutorial

Learn about mausoleum design regulations and construction standards, here.

Browse pictures of high quality mausoleums for sale online or locally at US showroom near you, here.
Rome Monument is mausoleum designer, builder and construction contractor that was founded in 1934 by Michael Dioguardi, Vince Dioguardi's great-grandfather, and John Dioguardi's grandfather. 
Vince Dioguardi is the primary mausoleum designer and mausoleum architect for the Rome Monument mausoleum construction company.
Rome Monument is one the top mausoleum builders in the US death care industry.
Find out why it is so important to hire a mausoleum construction company that designs and builds mausoleums in accordance with strict mausoleum construction standards as set by local, state and federal laws in this video

Find out why it is important to hire a mausoleum construction company that designs and builds mausoleums in accordance with strict mausoleum construction standards as set by local, state and federal law.

Learn how to select your mausoleum designer and builder and find out how to hire a mausoleum construction contractor in this 2025 video.

Before you order your mausoleum, find out where the construction company gets its granite. If the granite isn't of the highest quality, your mausoleum won't be either.

High grade granite is ideal for use in the construction of mausoleums because it has a high quartz content which makes it hard, strong and durable.

Buy a high quality 2 crypt jet black granite mausoleum for you and your spouse from the Rome Monument mausoleum construction company

Learn how to select high quality granite for your mausoleum, here.

Please note that in-stock 1 crypt mausoleums and 2 crypt mausoleums that are already pre-assembled and that are currently warehouse by Rome Monument in Monaca, PA can be delivered and installed quicker than custom 3 crypt granite familly mausoleums, multi-crypt granite mausoleums and private walk-in mausoleums.

From the top to the bottom, the best mausoleums are made with granite.

Pictured below is an extremely high quality granite 9 crypt private walk-in mausoleum, with a reflecting room for the DeSantis family members, that was designed and built by Rome Monument.

Pictured here is a completely custom 9 crypt granite private family walk-in mausoleum designed and installed in a local cemetery by Rome Monument

When selecting your mausoleum designer and builder, choose a company that uses only the highest quality materials for the mausoleum - that includes the granite for the structure and the concrete for the foundation.

Individuals, families and cemetery operators can order a high quality granite mausoleum remotely online, by phone or at one of the many Rome Monument showrooms located in the United States.

To request an in-person mausoleum design consultation or a remote online mausoleum design meeting from your home or office, with Vince Dioguardi, please call him at 724-770-0100 to make an appointment.

Rome Monument also delivers high quality granite mausoleums to other businesses or freight company warehouse locations.

What Are Mausoleums? History, Styles, Types & More

The Gardens Cemetery & Funeral Home - A mausoleum is an above-ground, free-standing building that has crypts or any other type of burial compartments to hold remains

mausoleum is an above-ground, free-standing building that has crypts or any other type of burial compartments to hold remains.
They are found in many cemeteries, yet they vary in size, design, and purpose.
Some mausoleums can hold the remains of one person, while others are capable of carrying the remains of several family members.
Choosing the type of burial to memorialize your loved ones or yourself is a profoundly personal decision.
Burial options offer a valuable outlet to maintain the memories of your loved ones forever.
It can be hard to envision just what a mausoleum looks like if you have never seen one before.
Whether you are considering a community mausoleum, a garden mausoleum, or a private mausoleum, it may help put your mind at ease to see what each looks like in person.
The Gardens of Boca Raton in Florida, offers private tours and consultations.

See The Inside And Interior Of A Beautiful Private Family Walk-In Mausoleum Constructed In A Historic Cemetery In New York

In the 2021 video above, you can see the exterior and interior of a private family walk-in mausoleum unmatched in quality and craftsmanship at the time it was constructed.
This classically styled private family mausoleum is located in the Lakeside Cemetery in Hamburg, New York which opened in 1869.
The private family mausoleum features hand-turned granite columns, bronze doors and was built with Barre Granite, which is a fine granite, composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica.
Inside this beautiful and unique private mausoleum are multigenerational niches and 3 full-size couch crypts which can accomodate 6 caskets.
Rome Monument builds and installs stately private family mausoleums in cemeteries in HamburgSyracuseNew York CityScarsdaleJamestownAlbanyWestchester County and other locations throughout the state of New York.
Get information on private family mausoleum prices in New York, here.

The Various Types Of Mausoleum Crypts

If you are planning a entombment (burial in a mausoleum crypt), or are planning on entombing cremated remains, you have a number of options.
Types Of Cemetery Mausoleums
  • Indoor: A shared space where the crypts are located indoors
  • Garden/outdoor: A shared space where the crypts are located outdoors
  • Private mausoleums: Private spaces, where the crypts can be located indoors or outdoors
Types Of Mausoleum Crypts
  • Single crypts: Single crypts are the most common type of crypt in a mausoleum.  Single crypts contain the remains of one person in a casket. 
  • Side-by-side crypts: Side-by-side crypts are designed for two people. The caskets are positioned next to each other horizontally, and may each have its own engraved marker or the crypts may share a single large marker. 
  • Companion crypts or end-to-end crypts: Companion crypts are designed for two people, but only take the space of a single crypt. The caskets are lined up “end-to-end” and a single marker is shared. Companion crypts are the mausoleum equivalent of “double depth.” 
  • Westminster family crypts: Sometimes referred to simply as “Westminster crypts” or “family crypts,” this style of crypt can accommodate as many people as you’d like. Sometimes the arrangement is end-to-end crypts stacked on top of each other, and sometimes the arrangement is side-by-side crypts stacked on top of each other. Each person may have his or her own marker, or the crypts may share a single large marker.

Learn How Rome Monument Is Selling, Designing, Building Shipping, Delivering, Setting And Installing High Quality Granite Mausoleums In The US In 2023

Call Vince Dioguardi at 724-770-0100 or email the mausoleum designer at to schedule the design, construction, shipping, delivery and installation of a granite mausoleum in the US.

High-quality mausoleum craftsmanship and granite carving techniques are explained in detail in the Rome Monument 2023 video series titled "The Essential Buyers Guide To Private Family Mausoleums".

Pictured below is a large granite building with places for the above ground entombment of the bodies of the Pappan family of Pennsylvania.

The external free-standing building shown here is a stately and magnificent monument that encloses the interment space (burial chamber) for the deceased members of the Pappan family.

If you're thinking about a mausoleum for your family's final resting place, the videos on the American image sharing and social media website,, are required viewing. 

2023 Essential Buyers Guide To Private Family Mausoleums - Rome Monument - January 11 2023

The Estate Mausolem Pictured Above Was Commissioned By the Pappan Family And Designed By Vince Dioguardi And John Dioguardi Of Of Rome Romument

John Dioguardi of Rome Monument June 28 2018

Family Walk-In Mausoleums Designed By Rome Monument Feature Private Indoor Vestibules For Peaceful Reflection

Walk-in mausoleums designed by Vince Dioguardi are private walk-in structures that have working doors that lead to an indoor vestibule - January 26 2023, Rome Monument

Rome Monument sells and designs unique estate mausoleums and custom community walk-in granite mausoleums to families, churches and cemeteries located throughout the US.

Large family mausoleums can be designed with decorative non-functional doors.

walk-in mausoleums feature working doors that lead to a peaceful interior room or vestibule used for reflection - january 26 2023

Other family mausoleums are designed by Vince Dioguardi as private walk-in structures, that have working entry doors, often made with granite and bronze, that open up to reveal a tranquil interior room, foyer or indoor vestibule.

Pictured below is a walk-in 12 crypt family mausoleum with an oval accent added above the entry doors

The mausoleum was created using tiffany grey granite and the size of the walk-in mausoleum is 20'-11" x 14'-0" x 15'-0"

A walk-in mausoleum is a private eternal resting place where living family members peacefully reflect and cherish the love they have in their hearts for beloved relatives that have passed away. 

Walk-in family mausoleums provide shelter, privacy and comfort to family members that are visiting a grave site to pay their respects to family members that have passed on. The average design and construction time for a private family mausoleum ranges from 3-12 months.

Get ideas for gravesite visitations here or learn what to do when you visit your family's walk-in mausoleum by watching this 2019 video produced by Rome Monument.

Rome Monument also sells in-stock pre-assembled 1 crypt and 2 crypt mausoleums

The Greek Neoclassical Style Private Family Mausoleum Built For The Pappan Estate Is Pictured Below

Vince Dioguardi was the construction project manager in charge of building the elegant granite Greek Neoclassical mausoleum pictured here - January 12 2023

Vince Dioguardi was the construction project manager in charge of building the elegant granite Greek Neoclassical style private family mausoleum pictured above.

The neoclassical architectural style was used to symbolize the family's Greek heritage. 

The Pappens are a proud Greek family from Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

The stunning private family mausoleum shown above was installed by Rome Monument mausoleum builders and monumental masons in the Beaver Cemetery located in Beaver, Pennsylvania. 

Pictured above is a 9 crypt chapel style private family estate mausoleum created by Vince Dioguardi, the Rome Monument mausoleum designer, lead mausoleum architect, owner and president.

The private family mausoleum pictured above was featured on in an article titled "13 Secrets of Tombstone Engravers", which was published on October 31, 2018.

A 4 Crypt Private Mausoleum (Pictured Below) Designed And Handcrafted By Rome Monument Provides The Davis Family With A Final Resting Place On The Grounds Of The Historic Beaver Cemetery

The 4 Crypt Private Mausoleum Picture Here Designed Was Handcrafted By Rome Monument To Provide The Davis Family With A Tranquil Final Resting Place - January 27 2023

  • Pictured above and below is an elegant 4 crypt granite mausoleum that was handcrafted by Rome Monument to provide a fitting and tranquil final resting place for the Davis family.
  • Pictured above and below is a high quality 4 crypt granite family mausoleum that has two side-by-side crypts and two crypts stacked on top of the two crypts on the lower level.
  • The 4 crypt mausoleum shown here was constructed by Rome Monument artisans using mahogany granite for the structure and black granite for the crypt fronts.
  • Rome Monument specializes in handcrafting cemetery monuments, private mausoleums and public mausoleums using high quality black granite. See examples designs on Pinterest, here.
  • This 4 crypt above ground burial vault was commissioned to be custom designed by the Davis family.
  • In the pictures displayed here you will notice that only Nathan Scott Davis has his name, birth date and death date diamond etched on the front.
  • He was the son of Gregg and Debi (Samovoski) Davis.
  • He passed away unexpectedly in his home on August 30, 1987.
  • There are 3 spaces remaining that Rome Monument will be etched at a later date, when other family members are buried. 
  • Rome Monument designed and constructed the jet black granite memorial bench so that surviving Davis family members can sit comfortably and reflect.
  • The 4 crypt mausoleum depicted below was set in Beaver Cemetery, Pennsylvania in 2016.
  • Private mausoleums designed and built by Rome Monument and Dio + Co. are permitted within the grounds of the Beaver Cemetery.
  • Rome Monument designs and constructs private and public mausoleums in historic cemeteris located throughout the United States.
  • Beaver Cemetery was founded in 1865 by community leaders to provide an area for dignified and proper burial for the townspeople of the day and for future generations.
  • The borough of Beaver is located at the confuence of the Beaver and Ohio rivers, approximately 30 miles northwest of Pittsburgh.
  • The community was laid out in 1792 and in 1800 it became the county seat of the newly formed Beaver County.
  • In the 1800s, Beaver Cemetery was the most popular burial option for celebrated community leaders, business pioneers and architects of the Beaver civic institutions, judges, Pennsylvania senators and Beaver mayors.
  • Showing the magnitude of how the Civil War impacted the community of Beaver, a remarkable count of 356 Civil War veterans are laid to rest in the Borough of Beaver - Clark Park (61) and Beaver Cemetery (295). All but one served with the Union Army.
  • Michael Dioguardi founded the US headquarters for the mausolem construction company right across the river in Rochester, PA
  • Take a gander at historic cemetery monuments disigned and built for famous Americans, who were laid to rest in Beaver Cemetery, some of which were erected by Rome Monument, here.
  • Take a look at the 2 crypt mausoleum commisioned by U.S. Congressman, Charles Richard Eckert, and who was interred in Beaver Cemetery in 1959, here.
  • Watch this video, produced by Rome Monument in 2018, to see inside of large mausoleums that were commisioned to memorialize famous Americans, here.
  • To discuss the design and construction of a 4 crypt mausoleum for your family, feel free to contact Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument at 724-770-0100 or

In 2023, Rome Monument Is Now Selling Private Mausoleums Custom Made With The Highest Quality Granite To Customers In All 50 States - January 12 2023

In 2025, Rome Monument Is Now Selling Private Mausoleums Custom Made With The Highest Quality Granite To Customers In All 50 States

A 9 Crypt Chapel Style Mausoleum Designed And Built By Rome Monument Is Pictured Below

Learn how private family mausoleums are built in the United States - January 11 2023 - Rome Monument

What Are Private Mausoleums, Public Mausoleums, Columbariums And Cremation Niches?

The term private mausoleum refers to an above-ground final resting place where an individual or multiple family members are buried.

There are different meanings of the phrase private mausoleum.

A Classically Designed Single Crypt Mausoleum Designed Constructed By Rome Monument Is Pictured Below

A single crypt granite mausoleum, which is always built above ground, holds the remains of the deceased in a casket or cremation urn or niche - January 12 2023 - Rome Monument


Pictured above is a single crypt granite mausoleum that was built to memorialize Frank Hanley Morrow (March 2, 1917 to August 16, 1999) by the Rome Monument mausoleum construction company.


  • Rome Monument designs and builds both private mausoleums and public (community) mausoleums on behalf of individuals, families and cemetery owners located in almost every state.
  • A twenty crypt private mausoleum built by Rome Monument is pictured here. This amazing mausoleum features a flat roof, a tiffany grey granite roof and base course and cameo rose granite walls.
  • A mausoleum is an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people. A mausoleum without the person's remains is called a cenotaph.
  • A public mausoleum or community mausoleum, is a very sturdy above ground building that is used to memorialize multiple individuals from different families. Public mausoleums can hold caskets or cremated remains, or both.
  • Private walk-in mausoleums feature a secure indoor enclosure that remains clean and dry without ever letting the casket or vault come in contact with the earth.
  • In contrast to a private mausoleum, pictured below is a public community cremation niche mausoleum that holds the remains of deceased individuals from multiple families. Cremated remains can be buried in columbarium. 
  • Learn how ashes are buried in mausoleums and columbariums in this 2025 above ground interment and cremation niche video guide.
  • A columbarium is a structure of vaults that are lined with recessed for cinerary urns.
  • A cinerary urn (plural cinerary urns) is a vessel used to preserve the ashes of the cremated dead. 

The Columbarium (Pictured Below) With Niches Where Funeral Urns Are Stored Was Designed By Vince Dioguardi And Was Built By Rome Monument 


Pictured here is a public community mausoleum, in contrast to a private mausoleum, built by Rome Monument that holds the remains of deceased individuals from multiple families

A columbarium is a structure for the reverential and usually public storage of funerary urns, holding cremated remains of the deceased.

  • Browse pictures of Rome Monument columbariums with niches for cremated remains used by families, churches and cemeteries, here.
  • Columbariums are structures designed specifically to house cremated remains. A columbarium can be an indoor structure or an outdoor garden-style building, they can either be public or private.
  • Although they resemble a mausoleum, columbariums differ in the fact that only cremated remains are stored there. Columbariums can be very simple or quite ornate, it depends on the style of the cemetery.
  • Similar to mausoleums, columbariums can either be in public buildings or private family rooms. Community or public columbariums may be indoor or outdoor buildings that host cremated remains for everyone.
  • On the other hand, private columbarium rooms are private spaces dedicated for one family. These are entirely independent rooms that can be customized with features such as stained glass, unique materials, and more. Private rooms can accommodate as many members of a family.
  • A columbarium is made up of all the cremation niches it holds. Cremation niches are used to house the cremation urns and just as mausoleum crypts, they come in different styles and options.
  • A single niche is a personalized cremation niche that holds one urn. A companion niche holds two cremation urns and are often available in either side-by-side or tandem configurations.
  • View pictures of family mausoleums and columbariums built by Rome Monument, here
  • View pictures of cemetery structures for cremated remains designed and built by Rome Monument, here.
  • View pictures of vaults, tombs and crypts for cremated remains, here.
  • Check out pictures of columbarium and mausoleum niche designs, here.

A 2 Person "Companion" Mausoleum Designed And Constructed By Rome Monument For A Husband And Wife Is Pictured Below

How Private Mausoleums Are Commissioned, Designed, Built, Delivered And Constructed By Rome Monument In The United States In 2023 - January 12 2023


Pictured above is a 2 person granite private mausoleum designed and built by Rome Monument at the request of Donal and Marian Hildman.


In Chapter 2 of The Essential Buyers Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you’ll learn about the types and prices of mausoleums for sale. There are three basic types of mausoleums: Above Ground Burial Vaults, Garden or outdoor Mausoleums, and estate walk-in and non-walk-in mausoleum buildings.

How Private Mausoleums Are Commissioned, Designed, Built, Delivered And Constructed By Rome Monument In The United States In 2025

For an overview explaining how iconic high-quality granite mausoleums are ordered, designed, pre-built, delivered and constructed on-site in the U.S., watch this YouTube video
In this video, Rome Monument shows you how to tell the difference between high quality mausoleum and low quality mausoleum design and construction. In addition to a superior, professional design, the quality of a mausoleum depends on such factors as the reputation of the granite quarry, the quality of the granite, foundation, base course, side walls, roof and joints, among other construction elements. 
Rome Monument sells single crypt mausoleums, 2 crypt mausoleums, multi crypt mausoleums and private and community walk-in mausoleums to families, churches and cemeteries all over the U.S.  Watch how Rome Monument installed a 2 crypt mausoleum in a cemetery in this Facebook video.
In 2022, Rome Monument's mausoleum designer and construction project manager (CM), Vince Dioguardi, oversaw the design and construction of numerous custom family mausoleums throughout the United States. 
Learn how private family mausoleums are built in the United States in this 2018 YouTube video titled "Watch Rome Monument Build a Private Family Mausoleum."

Vince Dioguardi Designs Custom Mausoleums With Laser Etched Portraits, Images And Scenes

Vince Dioguardi, the Rome Monument mausoleum designer, is an expert at producing high-end, custom mausoleums with laser etched portraits, scenes and images - January 12 2023

Pictured above is a 2 crypt private mausoleum that was designed by Vince Dioguardi on behalf of Joseph John Betters and his wife Ann. 

In Chapter 9 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you'll learn how personalized etchings and engravings offer families an opportunity to memorialize the life and journey through life of an individual or family. You'll learn about the engraving process of cutting lettering, symbols, images, and artwork into the granite to create deep impressions. Etching makes shallower cuts and can create more detailed designs. Hand etching and laser etching are used for cutting granite.
Vince Dioguardi, the Rome Monument mausoleum designer, is an expert at producing high-end, custom mausoleums with laser etched portraits, scenes and images.
Rome Monument's mausoleum designer, Vince Dioguardi creates high-end, custom mausoleums with laser etched portraits by using CAD software and a CNC laser engraving machine.
The professionals at Rome Monument, and it's luxury brand monument manufacturing company, Dio + Co., are experts at carving and etching personalized funerary art, including the finest details in stone relief. 
Pictured below is a side-by-side double crypt mausoleum designed and built by Rome Monument to memorialize Theodore C. Inman and his wife Bette.

The Inman Mausoleum

In 2023, Vince Dioguardi Is Designing Numerous Private Mausoleums For Prominent Families In The United States - January 12 2023 - Rome Monument

In this 2018 video titled "High Quality Mausoleum Design and Construction Overview", Rome Monument shows you how to tell the difference between high quality mausoleum and low quality mausoleum design and construction.

In addition to a superior, professional design, the quality of a mausoleum depends on such factors as the reputation of the granite quarry, the quality of the granite, foundation, base course, side walls, roof and joints, among other construction elements. 

Award Winning Mausoleum Designs

The St. Louis Cascade Mausoleum which was built at a cost of $5.3 million, was recognized by the 2022 Architecture Awards and won an honorable mention.

Garden And Columbarium Blessed At St. Francis of Assisi In Raleigh, North Carolina

Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama blessed a memorial garden and additional columbarium at St. Francis of Assisi in Raleigh, North Caronlina on January 15, 2023.

The new columbarium section is located near the main entrance of the chapel with 616 new niches. The blessing took place under a strong sun that illuminated the space where the cremains of parishioners of the church would have eternal rest. According to Monsignor Clay, Catholics are increasingly choosing to be cremated. This has been particularly true since the onset of the pandemic. In 1997, the Catholic Church in the United States, with the approval of the Vatican, published guidelines to assist parishes and the families in the proper and reverent treatment of cremains. One of the main reasons why Catholics are choosing cremation is because it is seen as a more affordable option.

In 2023, Vince Dioguardi Is Designing Numerous Private Mausoleums For Prominent Families In The United States

Vince Dioguardi is the president of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-area Rome Monument, a company founded by his great-grandfather. He shares some of his proprietary custom granite gravestone design and construction secrets in this article titled "13 Secrets of Tombstone Engravers".


To design and build these stately walk-in style buildings on behalf of renowned U.S. families, Vince Dioguardi collaborates with client representatives, cemetery managers, burial park operators, public memorial garden personnel and columbarium and cremation niche providers.


Some of Vince Dioguardi's mausolem designs and cemetry monuments can be very elaborate. “Whatever that consumer can think of that they want to do, we can design it,” Dioguardi explains. That goes for the industry as a whole, not just his firm. “There’s a monument in Vermont that it’s a full scale Mercedes-Benz [made] out of a single block of granite,” he describes. The only thing that truly limits what kind of memorial you can design for your loved one is your budget— and your imagination.


The guy in Vermont who was memorized with a giant Mercedes-Benz sculpture isn’t a total outlier—a fair number of people ask to somehow incorporate cars or trucks. Many of Dioguardi’s clients request private mausoleums and memorials that incorporate themes like faith, family, hobbies, and career.


In 2022, Vince Dioguardi and the Rome Monument staff worked in tandem with green burial cemetery ownersgranite quarriesfuneral directorscremation services and other monument builders to design, build and install very stunning new mausoleums.

Vince Dioguardi, President Of the Rome Monument Mausoleum Construction Firm, Designs and Oversees The Construction Of 2 Person And Multi Crypt Mausoleums For Proud Families Located Throughout The United States

2 crypt granite mausoleum that was designed by Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument, at the request of Leonard A. and Lois E. Kayafas


About The 2 Crypt (Double or Companion) Mausoleum Pictured Above

  • Pictured above is a beautiful 2 crypt granite mausoleum that was designed by Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument, at the request of A. Leonard and Lois E. Kayafas, who are husband and wife.
  • The 2 person mausoleum was designed with a pitched roof and a single solid base course.
  • The final resting place shown above is sits peacefully in the historic Beavery Cemetery in Beaver, PA.
  • The double mausoleum rests amid the beauty of stately trees sits an area landmark with winding roads and intriguing monuments standing in tribute to the persons who contributed to the history and destiny of this area.
  • The companion mausoleum shown above was commissioned by Mr. and Mrs. Kayafas while they were both still alive.
  • Check out Rome Monument's line of black granite 2 crypt mausoleums, here.
  • Rome Monument is a mausoleum construction company, mausoleum contractor and mausoleum builder with over 89 years of experience as a design/builder of private family mausoleums for cemeteries and memorial parks.

Vince Dioguardi Is One Of The Top Mausoleum Designers In The United States

In Chapter 25 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, we’ll give you some tips on how to find the right company to buy your mausoleum from. Since there aren’t many companies that make mausoleums in the US., it’s likely you’ll be working with an out-of-town company, but a good company is used to working remotely with clients and is willing to install a mausoleum anywhere in the U.S.
In Chapter 25 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, we’ll give you some tips on how to find the right company to buy your mausoleum from. Since there aren’t many companies that make mausoleums in the US., it’s likely you’ll be working with an out-of-town company, but a good company is used to working remotely with clients and is willing to install a mausoleum anywhere in the U.S.  
Pictured below is a companion crypt (2 crypt) private mausoleum designed, built and installed by Vince Dioguardi and the Rome Monument craftsmen to memorialize Jerry and Anna Vuletic.

In 2022, Vince Dioguardi collaborated in-person and remotely with every client that commissioned the construction of Rome Monument mausoleum - January 12 2023

In 2022, Vince Dioguardi collaborated in-person and remotely with every client that commissioned the construction of Rome Monument mausoleum, while also providing oversight to the project's stakeholders.

Dioguardi estimates that crafting a memorial takes around eight to 10 weeks at his company, although custom mausoleums normally can take 6 months to a year to design and build. First, however, customers typically meet with Mr. Dioguardi in person or online in video meetings, where they learn about the mausolem construction process, talk about mausolem design ideas, decide on something, and finally come up with a mausoleum quote and contract.
Not only does Vince Dioguardi create the actual CAD drawings of the mausoleums for customer approval, but he also works efficiently with cemetery owners, general contractors and subcontractors to ensure that the customer's final resting place met Rome Monument's rigorous mausoleum quality standards. 
Vince Dioguardi (LinkedIn) can be reached by telephone at 724-770-0100 or by email at if you want more information about mausoleum design, or want to request a quote to commission the construction of an above ground burial vault.
In contrast to public cemetery monuments, these above ground granite structures built by Rome Monument, provide a private and serene place for mourners to visit the graves of their loved ones. They are constructed on-site throughout North America by Rome Monument mausoleum builders.
The Rome Monument mausoleum design/build team also includes experienced monumental masons and stone craftsmen that contribute to building extraordinary mausoleums. All mausoleum granite carving and lettering is done by certified master carvers in the company’s 30,000-square-foot manufacturing space in Monaca, Pennsylvania.
To begin the process of commissioning the construction of a custom 2 crypt mausoleum for you and your spouse, call Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument at 724-770-0100, extension # 3 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (EST), Monday through Friday, or 9:00 am to noon on Saturday. Mr. Dioguardi designs custom mausoleums in his office at the Rome Monument main office, located at 300 W. Park Street in Rochester, Pennsylvania.

Rome Monument Designs And Builds Custom 4 Crypt Granite Mausoleums And Helps Customers Choose A Good Cemetery For Mausoleum Burials

Rome Monument sells and installs 4 crypt granite mausoleums throughout the United States - January 12 2023

Pictured above is a 4 crypt granite mausoleum that Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument designed for the Anderson family. Rome Monument sells and installs 4 crypt granite mausoleums throughout the United States.  You can buy a 4 crypt mausoleums with prices starting at $40K (setting, crane rental and installation not included).

Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument designed a 4 crypt mausoeum for the Pollack family. Two crypts are side-by-side and two crypts are stacked on top. It was built by Rome Monument using mahogany granite and installed in December of 1999 at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery in Pittsburgh, PA. 
A walk-in 4 crypt mausoleum designed and built with Tiffany grey granite by Rome Monument is pictured here.

How To Choose A Good Cemetery For Your Mausoleum Burial

In Chapter 7 of the Essential Buyer’s Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you’ll learn how to choose a good cemetery for your mausoleum burial. We’ll discuss cemetery type, location, and rules and costs. every cemetery has rules and regulations about what types of memorials they allow and where they can be placed. And that includes mausoleums.   

In Chapter 8 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you’ll learn why planning ahead for your mausoleum - in advance of the passing of any family members – is a smart decision. You’ll learn how to plan, buy and build your custom family mausoleum…and how to buy your cemetery plots and land. When ordering a mausoleum pre-need, you pre-design, pre-plan and pre-pay for a truly high-quality monument prior to a passing and according to everyone’s wishes. If you wait till a family member passes, you’ll be left with difficult decisions on a big investment while in mourning, and could be overwhelmed with funeral arrangements and other post-passing business. Pre-planning ensures that your family gets a mausoleum exactly the way you want it. 
Pictured below is a 2 crypt granite mausoleum designed by Vince Dioguardi for Walter R. Kasper and his wife, Margaret O. Kasper. It features a black cross at the top.

Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument Designs Mausoleums For U.S. Clients Pre-Need - January 12 2023

You don’t have to leave your gravestone’s design up to the people who outlive you: You can choose something for yourself before you go. “It’s extremely common here,” Dioguardi says. It’s called “pre-need.” That way, there’s no guessing or arguing among your family members about what you might want—it’s already determined.

Rome Monument pre-need programs enables individual and families to purchase a customized mausoleum before a funeral and burial occurs and pre-arrange the installation of the mausoleum in the cemetery in advance. Find out why customers order a mausoleum from Rome Monument before burials occur, here.
Rome Monument of Pittsburgh, PA designs, manufactures and installs custom monuments, mausoleums, memorials, headstones, gravestones and cemetery grave markers. View the Rome Monument memorial design gallery, here. Get Rome Monument mausoleum pricing and ordering information, here.
Since 1934, the skilled craftsmen at Rome Monument have inscribed the deceased's name, date of birth, and date of death on the mausolems purchased by U.S. families. Rome Monument craftsmen often inscribe personal messages, lettering, epitaphs, sayings, quotes or prayers in granite mausoleums along with names, birth and death dates.
“A lot of consumers think this is all machinery-based,” Dioguardi says, but not all firms rely entirely on stencils and computers. Rome Monument uses an automated sandblaster for lettering, but also uses chisels and other tools to create mausoleums by hand. If a family comes in and asks for a mausoleum with a rose on it, one of their sculptors will actually carve that rose into the granite freehand.
The professionals at Rome Monument, and it's luxury brand monument manufacturing company, Dio + Co., are experts at carving and etching personalized funerary art, including the finest details in stone relief. Vince Dioguardi, the Rome Monument mausoleum designer, is an expert at producing high-end, custom mausoleums with laser etched portraits.
These mausoleums often include a framed photograph or cameo of the deceased on the headstones, monuments, or gravestones we're creating. Vince uses design software that incorporates different fonts, photographs, and religious symbolism. Rome Monument deliver to cemeteries and other locations nationwide.

What Is A Mausoleum Exactly?

A mausoleum as an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people - January 12 2023 - Rome Monumen

Mausoleums are above ground structures that contain the crypt or crypts of the deceased. They can be as simple as a granite “butter dish”-style mausoleum that is just large enough to cover a coffin or casket. Private family mausoleums refer to any style of mausoleum that hold the bodies and remains of the family that personally commissioned the design and building of the mausoleum. Mausoleums can be built by a quality mausoleum company in any style you prefer. 

In Chapter 3 of The Essential Buyers Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you’ll learn about some mausoleum design styles and 2025 costs for private family mausoleums. A mausoleum company that is quality-driven can advise you on the ideal style for your private family mausoleum based on the number of bodies to be buried there, the cemetery regulations, the location, the cost, and other factors. 
Wikipedia defines a mausoleum as an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people. Rome Monument designs and builds upscale mausoleums for cemeteries and private property owners using high-quality materials and impeccable construction standards.
In 2025, Vince Dioguardi and the Rome Monument staff are currently designing, building and installing single crypt mausoleums, two crypt mausoleums, walk-in mausoleums, above ground burial vaults, private estate mausoleums, family mausoleums, garden mausoleums and  chapel mausoleums (vestibule-style) for families located all across America. 
A mausoleum is a free-standing cemetery building that contains the grave, tomb, or burial chamber of your loved one.
A chapel mausoleum is a walk-in mausoleum that features a private indoor area with one or more rooms. Take a look at a stately chapel mausoleum designed and constructed by Rome Monument, here. It is a two crypt family private chapel roof mausoleum with a glass side window. Vince Dioguardi designed it to feature Tiffany grey granite. The size of this chapel mausoleum is 15'-0" x 14'-5" x 15'-11".
The meaning of the word mausoleum describes a large tomb which is usually a stone building with places for entombment of the dead above ground. Rome Monument is a nationally recognized mausoleum construction company, mausoleum contractor, mausoleum builder and installer.
Rome Monument is a 5th generation mausoleum manufacturing company with over 89 years of experience as high-quality private family mausoleum contractor for cemeteries, private property owners and memorial parks.

In Chapter 8 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you’ll learn why planning ahead for your mausoleum - in advance of the passing of any family members – is a smart decision. You’ll learn how to plan, buy and build your custom family mausoleum…and how to buy your cemetery plots and land. When ordering a mausoleum pre-need, you pre-design, pre-plan and pre-pay for a truly high-quality monument prior to a passing and according to everyone’s wishes. If you wait till a family member passes, you’ll be left with difficult decisions on a big investment while in mourning, and could be overwhelmed with funeral arrangements and other post-passing business. Pre-planning ensures that your family gets a mausoleum exactly the way you want it. 

Co-Design Your Personal Or Family Mausoleum Hand-In-Hand With Vince Dioguardi

Find out how you can design your own private family mausoleum, submit your idea to Vince Dioguardi at Rome Monument and get a price quote in this YouTube video titled "Design Your Own Headstone, Submit Your Idea & Get A Price [How To Order A Monument Online From Home]".
Vincent Dioguardi is a remarkable person. He is friendly, honest, fun to talk with and a very talented mausoleum designer. Vince also works as the Rome Monument mausoleum construction manager. He flies all over the United States every year to manage the delivery and installation of the high-end mausoleums he designs and that his firm builds. 
Learn what Rome Monument clients do when they visit their family's mausoleum in the 2019 YouTube video titled "What To Do When Visiting A Grave Site: Cemetery Visitation Ideas".
The definition of a mausoleum is a burial place for the bodies or remains of many individuals, often of a single family, usually in the form of a small building. Rome Monument is a nationally recognized mausoleum construction company, mausoleum contractor, mausoleum builder and installer.

How To Plan, Design And Build Your Family Mausoleum From Design Concept To Cemetery Installation

In Chapter 27 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, we’re going to visit an actual mausoleum construction company -  Rome Monument in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - to see how a mausoleum is planned, designed and built from concept to cemetery installation. 

1) Rome takes the time to educate every customer on every aspect of the design and what their options are.

2) Rome’s mausoleum artists come up with an initial CAD design which we go over with you, and make any changes and adjustments you need made.

3) When the final design is approved, we begin the process of building the mausoleum.
4) You choose all the materials, including the granite. We’ll visit the Rome Granite Warehouse with thousands of world’s most beautiful granite slabs. It’s one of the largest in America. 
5) From here, the granite goes next door to the Rome production facility. We’ll visit the plant where hundreds of headstones and mausoleums are designed and constructed each year, each one of the highest quality, using the highest quality materials and craftsmanship.
6) Certified master carvers and craftspeople cut the granite to size, sculpt, hand etch, letter, polish and sandblast to achieve a perfect mausoleum slab or accessory.
7) When it’s complete, we either store the mausoleum in the warehouse for future assembly at the cemetery, or deliver it to your cemetery anywhere in the continental United States. 
8) The foundation for the mausoleum is laid in advance of the setting. 
9) The mausoleum is installed and the plot is landscaped
To view a list of each of the 27 chapters of the Buyers Guide, the full-length video (all chapters), and the condensed version of the full-length video, go to

Watch how a 2 crypt mausoleum is installed in a cemetery in this video where you’ll follow the installation of a two-crypt private family mausoleum from the time it is hoisted onto the flatbed at the Rome Monument Artisan Center in Monaca, Pennsylvania, to when it is lowered onto its foundation at the Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.
At the cemetery, a large crane lifts the monument from its flatbed to the plot.
The mausoleum is lowered onto cubes of dry ice to prevent breakage. As the dry ice melts, the mausoleum lowers onto the concrete pad where the joint between the mausoleum and foundation are sealed and waterproofed. Granite columns and engraved inscriptions were added at a later date by the Rome mausoleum artists and builders.
Pictured below is 2 crypt mausoleum constructed by Rome Monument after is was commissioned by Edmund and Rosemary Hill.

Rome Monument is a national mausoleum construction company, mausoleum contractor, mausoleum builder and installer managed by Vince Dioguardi - January 12 2023

The Rome Monument craftsman are experts at stone cutting, sculpting and etching funerary art, including the finest details in stone relief. Rome Monument was founded by stone craftsman Michael Dioguardi, who emigrated from Rome, Italy to Rochester, Pennsylvania in 1930, bringing with him the skills and techniques he learned from Italy’s master sculptors. 

Learn how Vince Dioguardi and Rome Monument stone craftsmen design and build completely custom cemetery memorials in this 2018 YouTube video titled, "How Rome Monument Crafts Personalized Custom Headstones".
In 2023, Rome Monument is now a 5th generation family-owned mausoleum construction business and is considered to be one of America’s leading upscale cemetery memorial design companies.
Luxury mausoleums are often buildings which contain the grave of a famous person or the graves of a wealthy family. The design and construction of a custom mausoleum starts with a remote personal consultation or an in-person meeting with Vince Dioguardi at one the Rome Monument U.S. showrooms or remotely by a Zoom video meeting.
The most visited mausoleum in the United States is Grant's Tomb, officially the General Grant National Memorial. See inside large mausoleums built for famous Americans in this YouTube video produced by Rome Monument in 2018.

At Rome Monument, Old-World Skills And Stone-Working Artistry Are Used To Create One-Of-A-Kind Mausoleums

Learn how private family mausoleums are built and designed with custom granite etchings and engravings in this 2025 video.

In Chapter 9 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, you'll learn how personalized etchings and engravings offer families an opportunity to memorialize the life and journey through life of an individual or family. You'll learn about the engraving process of cutting lettering, symbols, images, and artwork into the granite to create deep impressions. Etching makes shallower cuts and can create more detailed designs. Hand etching and laser etching are used for cutting granite.

Pictured here is a 2 crypt columbarium with cremation niches that was built by Rome Monument to memorialize Manuel Sanchez and his wife, Myrtle - January 12 2023

Pictured above is a 2 crypt mausoleum that was built by Rome Monument to secure for eternity, the cremated remains of Manuel Sanchez and his wife, Myrtle.

Since 1934, Rome Monument has showcased old-world skills and stone-working artistry to create unique luxury private mausoleums for families located throughout the United States. The Rome Monument mausoleum construction standards are rigorous and meticulous. 
Learn how to choose the perfect phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died or an epitaph for a mausoleum in the Rome Monument produced YouTube video titled "How To Choose The Perfect Headstone Saying or Epitaph".

A 2 Crypt Laser Etched Mausoleum Designed And Built By Rome Monument To Memorialize A Married Couple Is Shown Below

Pictured here is 2 crypt mausoleum designed and built by Rome Monument at the bequest of Shirley Shutey and her husband John - January12 2023

Pictured above is 2 crypt mausoleum designed and built by Rome Monument at the bequest of Shirley Shutey and her husband John. It features a laser etched old fashioned golfing scene.

How To Choose A Mausoleum Designer and Builder In The United States

Just because you choose a particular cemetery or funeral home doesn’t mean you have to buy a mausoleum directly from that company. “Cemeteries that do sell memorials make the consumer think that they have to purchase a memorial from the cemetery,” Dioguardi explains, but that isn’t the case.

You can commission a mausoleum from any designer, and then have it delivered and installed in the cemetery of your choice, assuming that they permit mausoleums. Both of Vince Dioguardi's firms, Rome Monument and Dio + Co. design and ship extremely high quality mausoleums to cemeteries all over the country. 

A 9 Crypt Private Mausoleum Designed By Vince Dioguardi Is Pictured Below

Both of Vince Dioguardi's firms, Rome Monument and Dio + Co. design and ship extremely high quality mausoleums to cemeteries all over the country - January 12 2023

Dio + Co. Luxury Mausoleums Are Also Designed By Vince Dioguardi

Dio + Co. is fourth-generation family-owned company, that designs, manufactures, and installs a wide variety of luxury mausoleums, gravestones, headstones, tombstones, monuments, memorial benches, granite and bronze memorials, and other stone markers that are placed over graves and burial plots.
Vince Dioguardi of Dio + Co. designs and builds completely custom and elegant mausoleums and columbariums
Options include single crypt, double crypt, private family multiple crypt, chapel walk-in, garden/outdoor or sepulcher, classically-styled walk-in, vestibule, Westminster family crypts, cemetery owned outdoor, and cemetery owned outdoor walk-in mausoleums.
Vince Dioguardi works full-time as the primary mausoleum designer and mausoleum architect for both the Rome Monument mausoleum construction company and Dio + Co.
Mr. Dioguardi and the staff of these two mausoleum construction firms build private and public mausoleums that are completely customized to the client's precise wishes. Both of these mausoleum contractors use high-quality granite, impeccable construction standards, and old-world craftsmanship.
Larger mausoleums designed by Vince Dioguardi can also include additional elements like a chapel or a niche for cremated remains and can be for any number of graves. The shape, style, and color are completely customizable as well as the adornments that accompany the mausoleum.
The current owners of Dio + Co. are Vince and Christy Dioguardi and Diane and William Hapach Jr., all of whom take a hands-on approach to running their business and who are leaders in the cemetery monument and memorial industry.

Pictured Below Is The Private Family Mausoleum Designed By Rome Monument For The Pappan Family Of Pennsylvania

Mausoleum Design And Construction Catalog, 2023 Mausoleum Construction Costs And Mausoleum Ordering Information - January 12 2023

Mausoleum Design And Construction Catalog, 2025 Mausoleum Construction Costs And Mausoleum Ordering Information

How To Buy Your 1 Crypt, 2 Crypt Or Walk-In Mausoleum, Get Private Mausoleum Prices And Learn About The Design Process

In Chapter 26 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide of how a typical mausoleum purchase works. Most Americans live in communities with cemeteries, but no monument company that makes mausoleums. Since your choice of a company will likely be from out of town, the transaction will likely be done remotely. 

Pictured Below Are 3 Different 2 Crypt Mausoleums Designed Handcrafted By Rome Monument For The Betters Family

If you live in the United States, you can commission the design and construction of a mausoleum by calling Vince Dioguardi - January 12 2023

Mausoleum and Columbarium Zoning Laws

  • When constructing custom granite mausoleums in cemeteries in the United States, Rome Monument complies with local zoning ordinances.
  • Get information about how mausoleums are shipped and delivered in the United States, here. 
  • Zoning ordinances should unambiguously state that mausoleum and columbarium usage is consistent with cemetery usage.
  • Zoning ordinances should not require special use or nonconforming use permits for mausoleum construction and other cemetery-related structures on acreage dedicated for cemetery operation. 
  • In most states, the only restrictions to home mausolem burials on private property, are found in local zoning laws that tell you how and where you can bury the body.

Pictured Below Is A 2 Person Mausoleum Designed And Built By Rome Monument As The Final Resting Place Of George And Donna Suznevichh

Restrictions to home mausolem burials on private property, are found in local zoning laws - January 12 2023 Rome Monument

US Prices For 1 Crypt, 2 Crypt And Walk In Mausoleums [1 & 2 Person, Private & Family Mausoleums]

In Chapter 24 of The Essential Buyers’ Guide to Private Family Mausoleums, we give you ballpark figures on costs for basic types of mausoleums. Keep in mind, the final cost is determined by factors such as type, size, style, shape, design, ornamentation, number of crypts, and materials used in the mausoleum. These are Rome Monument, current as of 2023, and don’t include freight and installation costs.

Mausoleums For Sale Online And Locally Near You (US Only)

Review pictures of high quality private mausoleums for sale online and locally at a US showroom near you. Find out how to order a custom designed family mausoleum remotely from home, here

In some cities, locals purchase their own mausoleum crypts on a first-come, first-serve basis. Rome Monument also builds large community mausoleums, some of which are open to the public.

How Rome Monument Gives Back To The Community

Learn More About Mausoleums Designed And Constructed In The United States By Rome Monument - January 12 2023


Pictured above is a private 2 crypt mausoleum designed and installed in the cemetery by Rome Monument to memorialize Robert and Margaret Mitchell. 

Vince Dioguardi of Rome Monument often designs 2 crypt mausoleums for a husband and wife, or for a living couple. Get 2 crypt mausoleum design ideas from Rome Monument on Pinterest.

Learn More About Mausoleums Designed And Constructed In The United States By Rome Monument

Mausoleums For Sale

High Quality Granite Mausoleums For Sale In The United States By Rome Monument

Video Photography Credits

The following photographers and artists contributed their talents to these videos:

Lawnswood Columbarium (33635884893), Mark Stevenson, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum Paino urn 02 - Lake View Cemetery - 2014-11-26 (17380040288)
Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum rotunda 01 - Lake View Cemetery - 2014-11-29 (16449337429), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

02020 0661 Sapieha family vault crypt in Krasiczyn Castle, Silar, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

2020-09-12 Princes Gates 010.jpg, Thomas1313, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
2020-09-12 Princes Gates 010.jpg, Thomas1313, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

2021-06-26 09 58 22 A wall of mausoleum niches in the Greenwood Cemetery Mausoleum in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.jpg, Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

2021-06-26 09 59 36 An individual mausoleum niche in the Greenwood Cemetery Mausoleum in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.jpg, Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Alter Friedhof Schönheide im Winter (126), Klaaschwotzer, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Gerhard von Scharnhorst memorial – Bas-relief 1777, Alta Falisa, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Charles Zimerman crypt - mausoleum - Knollwood Cemetery, Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Cemetery security camera
City of London Cemetery Columbarium security camera 2 lighter.jpg, Acabashi, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Claremont - pediment - - 3655146, Claremont - pediment by Ian Capper, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Columbarium (selective color), Edgar Alfonseca, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Community Mausoleum of All Saints Cemetery, Des Plaines, Illinois, Francis Helminski, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Corban mausoleum 20220604 125813, Prosperosity, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Daniel O’Neill monument, Allegheny Cemetery, 2022-10-09, statue 03, Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Noroton at en.wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Douglas Mausoleum 2021, Victuallers, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Edwin Ruud Mausoleum, Homewood Cemetery
Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Temple of Vespasianus 3, Cassius Ahenobarbus, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Rundbogenfries, Andreas Gronski, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Winter mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery, 2022-11-03, Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Enid Cemetery Mausoleum, Kiddo27, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Festetics Mausoleum (W), 2016 Hungary
Globetrotter19, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Francis M Drexel Woodlands, Smallbones, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Decorative emblems The Circus Bath, MichaelMaggs, CC BY-SA 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum of Potocki family in Wilanów, Warsaw, 2021, Szczecinolog, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum of Potocki family in Wilanów, 2022 03, Kgbo, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Gross crypt - mausoleum - Mayfield Cemetery (27314091443), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Gruber crypts - mausoleum - Mayfield Cemetery (27927291865), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Gumberg mausoleum, West View Cemetery, 2020-12-03, 02, Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Gustave Herter Mausoleum February 2012, Anthony22 at English Wikipedia, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Harvey Gay mausoleum interior - Green Lawn Cemetery, Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Holy Cross Cemetery 2015 - St Benedict mausoleum, SteveStrummer, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Samanid mausoleum bukhara, Hylgeriak / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Jisho-in Mausoleum 02, Suikotei, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

'Jujhar Singh Bundela Kneels in Submission to Shah Jahan', painted by Bichitr, c. 1630, Chester Beatty Library (cropped2), Bichitr, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

KolumbariumInnenNordfriedhofWiesbaden, amras_wi, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Marines clean veterans' cemetery during PHIBLEX 14 130918-M-SO590-005, Lance Cpl. Jose Lujano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum Friedhof Gmünd I Detail, Duke of W4, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum glass-walled urns 04 - Lake View Cemetery - 2014-11-26 (17541420526), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mausoleum side view of rotunda 02 - Lake View Cemetery - 2014-11-26 (16635530985), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Miller crypt - mausoleum - Mayfield Cemetery (27627780670), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mumtaz Mahal with attendant, See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Old Catholic Cemetery 04, Altairisfar, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Père-Lachaise - Columbarium 8153-8194, Stanzilla, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Petar II Petrovi?-Njegoš mausoleum 24, Milica Buha, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Polish Memorial Jablunkov, Abraham Sobkowski OFM, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Private road sign Gracehill, September 2009, Ardfern, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Resurrection Mausoleum interior 20200927 154554, Renata3, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

LessayAbbaye3, Ji-Elle, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Rose Hill community mausoleum from northwest, Nyttend, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Barclay de Tolly Mausoleum 38, Scotch Mist / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Seattle - Home of Peace Mausoleum - interior 03, Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Second floor main hall window - mausoleum - Mayfield Cemetery, Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Statue of girl angel at Gate of cemetery in Budišov, T?ebí? District, Ji?í Sedlá?ek - Frettie, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Tomb in Devizes Road Cemetery, Richard Avery, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Underground crypt prepped for remains - mausoleum - Mayfield Cemetery (27892942786), Tim Evanson from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Warszawa-Statue of Jesus by the Ladislaus of Gielniów church
, Mariochom, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Winter mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery, 2015-01-17, 07, Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Woodlands Mansion with Francis Martin Drexel Mausoleum, Bestbudbrian, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Zimmerman double crypt - Knollwood Mausoleum, Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons